Selena Gomez Opens Up About Body Shaming Amidst Health Struggles

3 min

Selena Gomez has candidly shared her experience of body shaming and self-consciousness following her health battles, including surgery after being diagnosed with lupus. In a recent interview with Fast Company, the now-31-year-old artist reflected on feeling embarrassed during a magazine fitting when she realized her body had changed due to her medical journey.

Recalling the fitting, Gomez stated, “None of the sample sizes were fitting, and that would make me feel embarrassed. Although how unrealistic is it to expect a normal woman’s body not to change?”

After her lupus diagnosis, Gomez underwent a kidney transplant and chemotherapy, which brought about significant physical changes. During a vacation in Australia a few months later, paparazzi captured Gomez in a bikini with her surgery scars visible, leading to online mockery and hurtful remarks.

Adding to her emotional turmoil, Gomez was publicly dealing with the aftermath of her breakup with singer Justin Bieber at the time. She shared, “I had just gotten my heart broken. I didn’t need to see what everyone was doing.”

Furthermore, Gomez acknowledged the negative impact of social media on her self-esteem. She revealed that at times, she would compare herself to unrealistic standards portrayed on platforms like Instagram, saying, “Then there were those moments of not feeling positive about how I looked because of what I’d see on Instagram. ‘Wow, I wish my body looked like that.'”

To address her mental health and reduce anxiety, Gomez took a step back from social media in 2017, even entrusting her passwords to an assistant. However, in 2018, she faced a challenging period during which she experienced psychosis and sought treatment, leading to her diagnosis of bipolar disorder.

Gomez described this period as a “hard season” marked by emotional highs and lows that left her feeling tormented. Upon receiving her bipolar diagnosis, she expressed a sense of relief and understanding, emphasizing the importance of seeking second opinions and consulting with medical professionals.

She concluded by acknowledging her gratitude for having a support system that helps her navigate each day despite the challenges she has faced.