President Joe Biden Labels Israeli Plans for Gaza Invasion a ‘Mistake’

4 min

**U.S. President Joe Biden Cautions Against Israeli Ground Invasion of Gaza, Calls for Palestinian State**

As Israeli forces prepare for a ground invasion of the Gaza Strip, President Joe Biden has warned Israel that such an occupation would be a “big mistake.” He ruled out the possibility of the United States joining the invasion.

President Biden made these statements during an interview with CBS News program 60 Minutes that aired on Sunday. When asked about extending support for the invasion, he responded, “I think it’d be a big mistake.”

The current Israeli assault on Gaza began eight days ago, triggered by a heavy response from Hamas fighters to what they see as decades of oppression by the Israeli government. The ongoing violence has resulted in a tragic loss of life, with at least 2,670 Palestinians killed and over 9,200 injured, according to the Ministry of Health.

Israel has faced substantial warnings and concerns regarding the implications of a ground invasion in Gaza. Humanitarian organizations are worried about a potential disaster, escalating conflict, and the challenges of distinguishing between militants and civilians in the densely populated territory.

Biden acknowledged that “Hamas doesn’t represent all the Palestinian people,” emphasizing that dealing with extremists is necessary but that a Palestinian authority and a path to a Palestinian state are essential. This reflects the long-standing U.S. position supporting a two-state solution.

When asked if Hamas should be completely eliminated, Biden replied, “Yes, I do.” He reiterated the need for a Palestinian authority and a path to statehood.

Regarding the possibility of U.S. troops participating in the Israeli war, President Biden stated that he doesn’t believe it’s necessary. He emphasized the strength of Israel’s military and pledged to provide them with everything they need.

The United States has already shown support for Israel by deploying two aircraft carriers to the eastern Mediterranean.

Israel first occupied Gaza in 1967 during the Six-Day War and later withdrew from the territory in 2005. However, a blockade was imposed on Gaza, which has been tightened over the years. It’s essential to find a peaceful and sustainable resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict for long-term stability and peace in the region.

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