World – World on Focus Bringing News Worldwide, Keep Your Focus Amplified Wed, 25 Oct 2023 09:02:14 +0000 en-US hourly 1 World – World on Focus 32 32 Pakistan Asks Saudi Arabia for $1 Billion Oil Facility in CY24 Wed, 25 Oct 2023 09:02:14 +0000 Pakistan has made a formal request to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for $1 billion in oil facilities on deferred payment terms, set for the calendar year 2024. This request comes at a crucial juncture, just ahead of the International Monetary Fund’s (IMF) review talks. The financing plan, which encompasses this request, has been meticulously devised as part of a larger $3 billion Standby Arrangement (SBA) program orchestrated by the IMF, specifically tailored to address Pakistan’s oil economy. This program is slated to continue until the end of March 2024, filling an essential role in stabilizing Pakistan’s fiscal position. The existing Saudi Oil Facility is set to expire in December 2023, necessitating a new arrangement to ensure the steady flow of oil and the financial support required by Pakistan.

Under the existing Saudi Oil Facility, Pakistan has already received $300 million during the last three months of the current fiscal year. This financial lifeline has been crucial to Pakistan’s economic stability, given the challenges it faces. Over the course of this year, Saudi Arabia disbursed a total of $700 million from March to September 2023, exemplifying the importance of the facility in bolstering Pakistan’s economic resilience. The request for a new facility will require further discussions and negotiations with Saudi Arabia to determine the specific modalities, associated costs, and the terms and conditions that will govern this crucial financial arrangement.

Furthermore, the recent news highlights another significant development concerning the Islamic Development Bank (IsDB). Initially, the IsDB had pledged to provide a syndicated loan of $1 billion to Pakistan during the current fiscal year under the auspices of the Islamic Trade Finance Corporation (ITFC) mechanism. However, recent indications suggest that the IsDB is now considering a reduction in the loan amount, potentially downsizing it to a range between $250-500 million. This shift is attributed to a confluence of factors, including the challenges associated with securing dollar loans from international financial institutions and the impact of higher global interest rates. These adjustments underscore the dynamic and ever-evolving nature of Pakistan’s financial arrangements as it navigates its economic needs.

The Ministry of Finance in Pakistan is actively preparing for upcoming review talks with the IMF, scheduled to take place in November 2023. These discussions will be centered around the structural benchmarks, indicative criteria, and performance criteria that have been mutually agreed upon with the IMF as part of the $3 billion SBA program. This program is designed to help Pakistan adhere to strict fiscal targets, with a primary aim of restricting the budget deficit within the limits approved by the IMF.

In sum, the article underscores the significant efforts that Pakistan is making to secure the necessary financing to address its economic requirements and meet the fiscal targets established by the IMF. The country’s ability to navigate these complex financial arrangements will have far-reaching implications for its economic stability and growth prospects. The ongoing negotiations and discussions are a testament to the intricate web of financial relationships that underpin Pakistan’s economic resilience in a rapidly changing global economic landscape.

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Pakistan Airlines Cancels 26 Flights Amid Financial Crisis: Fuel Supply Woes Hit PIA Hard Mon, 23 Oct 2023 11:59:43 +0000 Pakistan International Airlines (PIA), the national carrier of Pakistan, is currently grappling with a severe crisis that has led to significant disruptions in its operations, ultimately affecting passengers and raising concerns about the stability of the country’s aviation industry.

The root cause of the crisis is the suspension of fuel supplies by Pakistan State Oil (PSO) due to unpaid dues. The suspension of fuel supplies has compelled PIA to cancel 26 flights from major cities across the country, including Karachi, Lahore, Islamabad, Quetta, Bahawalpur, Multan, and Gwadar, as reported by Geo News. The suspension of fuel supplies is a severe blow to PIA, which relies on a steady fuel supply to maintain its flight schedules and operations.

PIA’s spokesperson confirmed the flight cancellations and highlighted the airline’s commitment to minimizing travel disruptions for affected passengers. As a contingency measure, the airline has rebooked these passengers on alternative flights. However, the broader implications of the fuel supply suspension are significant and are causing operational challenges.

To address the immediate crisis, PIA has implemented a fuel adjustment plan. This has led to a substantial reduction in its operations, with only three flights operating from Karachi. Additionally, in a bid to secure a two-day fuel supply, PIA made a payment of PKR 220 million to PSO, as reported by ARY News. The airline has already paid Rs 500 million towards its outstanding dues to PSO, with daily payments to PSO now in progress.

The financial turmoil and the resulting crisis in PIA have been further exacerbated by various factors. One significant setback has been the rejection of PIA’s request for an emergency bailout of PKR 22.9 billion by the Economic Coordination Committee (ECC), a high-level economic decision-making body in Pakistan. The ECC also declined PIA’s request to defer payments of PKR 1.3 billion monthly to the Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) against Federal Excise Duty (FED) and PKR 0.7 billion per month against rising charges, according to Geo News. These financial challenges have left PIA in a precarious situation, unable to meet its financial obligations effectively.

The situation is not just a matter of concern for PIA but also raises questions about the overall stability of the aviation industry in Pakistan. The suspension of aviation turbine fuel supply to the national carrier not only affects its immediate operations but also has wider implications for the industry. PIA’s plea for support is underscored by the potential for supply chain disruptions, as major aircraft manufacturers like Boeing and Airbus have previously warned of suspending spare parts deliveries for its fleet by mid-September. This further complicates PIA’s ability to maintain and service its aircraft, which is essential for the airline’s safe and reliable operations.

This latest development compounds the challenges that PIA has been facing in recent years. The airline has been working diligently to address outstanding tax issues that have previously led to the freezing of its bank accounts, further impacting its financial stability.

Despite these hurdles, PIA is making concerted efforts to restore operational stability and ensure that travelers can access essential air travel services without undue disruption. The crisis highlights the importance of addressing the underlying financial and operational issues faced by the national carrier and underscores the broader need for a sustainable and resilient aviation industry in Pakistan, which is crucial for the country’s connectivity and economic growth.

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Supreme Court Declares Trial of Civilians in Military Courts Unconstitutional Mon, 23 Oct 2023 11:50:58 +0000 The recent landmark ruling by the Supreme Court of Pakistan, with a majority vote of 4-1, has significant implications for the country’s legal landscape and the rights of civilians who have been subject to trials in military courts. The decision, deeming the trial of civilians in military courts as unconstitutional, has far-reaching consequences not only for the accused but also for the broader discourse surrounding the separation of powers, accountability, and due process within Pakistan’s legal system.

One of the immediate impacts of this ruling is its bearing on the fate of 102 civilians who had been accused of involvement in the May 9 violence. The Supreme Court’s decision has categorically asserted that their cases should be transferred from military courts to civilian criminal courts. This shift represents a pivotal moment in Pakistan’s legal history, as it underscores the importance of a civilian legal system in upholding the principles of justice and due process.

However, the significance of this ruling goes beyond a simple transfer of jurisdiction. The court’s decision includes a rather innovative approach to ensure that justice is served, even in cases that are moved from military to civilian courts. The ruling stipulates that the trial of these accused individuals, while conducted in civilian courts, will adhere to a style reminiscent of civil courts. This entails a meticulous process of recording testimonies and providing detailed reasons for decisions. Such a move signifies a commitment to transparency and thorough examination of the cases, bridging the gap between the military and civilian justice systems.

The implications of this ruling extend to the broader debate surrounding the role of military courts in Pakistan. While military courts have been a subject of contention and debate in the country, they have been invoked in the past as a means to address terrorism-related cases, often under the premise of swift and effective justice. The Supreme Court’s decision, however, reaffirms the importance of the civilian legal system, emphasizing its role as the primary mechanism for upholding the rule of law and protecting the rights of all citizens, even in cases involving national security.

A notable aspect of the ruling is its recognition of the unique circumstances under which certain suspects may be associated with the armed forces. The Attorney General for Pakistan has clarified that a constitutional amendment is not necessary if a suspect has direct links with the armed forces. This provision acknowledges the complexities of some cases where individuals with military affiliations are involved, striking a balance between the need for national security and the preservation of constitutional rights.

The Supreme Court’s verdict, therefore, raises fundamental questions about the democratic checks and balances in Pakistan’s legal and political systems. It emphasizes the judiciary’s role in safeguarding the rule of law and ensuring that citizens are granted their constitutionally guaranteed rights, regardless of the nature of the charges against them.

As Pakistan continues to grapple with issues related to security, justice, and accountability, the Supreme Court’s decision serves as a crucial step in the direction of upholding the principles of justice and due process. It reiterates the significance of a robust civilian legal system and reinforces the idea that even in the face of national security challenges, the rights and freedoms of civilians must remain inviolable. This decision, with its innovative approach to justice, has the potential to set a precedent for ensuring accountability while preserving the integrity of Pakistan’s democratic institutions and its commitment to upholding the rule of law. It will undoubtedly continue to shape legal, political, and human rights discourse in the country for years to come.

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Imran Khan Indicted for Leaking State Secrets, Faces Jail Sentence Mon, 23 Oct 2023 11:42:47 +0000 The legal saga surrounding Imran Khan, Pakistan’s former Prime Minister, has taken yet another dramatic turn, with his recent indictment on charges of leaking state secrets. The potential consequences of this indictment are substantial, with the possibility of a 14-year jail sentence looming over Khan. This development adds a further layer of complexity to the legal turmoil he has been embroiled in since his removal from office in April 2022.

The charges brought against Imran Khan stem from the alleged violation of the colonial-era Official Secrets Act, a legal relic from the British colonial period that is still in use today in Pakistan. The Act pertains to the handling and disclosure of state secrets, and it carries severe penalties for those found guilty of its breach. In Khan’s case, he stands accused of leaking a diplomatic letter, a sensitive and confidential document, which reportedly pointed to the United States’ involvement in his ouster from the office of Prime Minister. This revelation sent shockwaves through the political landscape and raised questions about the role of foreign powers in shaping Pakistan’s domestic politics.

Imran Khan’s removal from the office of Prime Minister in April 2022 was a pivotal moment in Pakistan’s recent political history. His tenure had been marked by a tumultuous relationship with the powerful military establishment, which plays a significant role in Pakistan’s politics. His attempts to dissolve parliament and push for early elections had drawn sharp criticism and led to accusations of destabilizing the country’s political order. Khan’s removal from office was seen by some as a consequence of his confrontational stance towards the military, while others viewed it as an effort to restore stability to the country’s political institutions.

The legal troubles surrounding Imran Khan are further complicated by the political dynamics of Pakistan. Despite the legal issues and controversies that have surrounded his tenure and post-removal, Khan continues to enjoy significant popular support. His party, the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI), has a strong and dedicated following, and Khan himself remains a charismatic and influential figure in Pakistani politics. This enduring popularity has led to public demonstrations and protests, further highlighting the polarization and division within the country’s political landscape.

The situation also underscores the intricate relationship between law, politics, and public sentiment in Pakistan. Khan’s indictment and the legal proceedings that follow are not just legal matters; they are deeply entwined with the complex political realities of Pakistan. The legal battle is seen by some as a move to hold the powerful accountable, while others perceive it as political maneuvering and selective accountability.

It remains to be seen how these legal proceedings will unfold and what the ultimate outcome will be for Imran Khan. The legal process, with its due diligence and scrutiny, is an integral component of democratic governance, and its outcomes will have far-reaching consequences for Pakistan’s political landscape. The proceedings may also set a precedent for how political leaders are held accountable for their actions in a country where political transitions have historically been marked by turbulence.

Imran Khan’s case, in its entirety, serves as a microcosm of the complex challenges faced by emerging democracies, especially in countries where the military’s influence on political affairs remains a defining factor. His journey through the legal system reflects the struggle to balance political power, public opinion, and legal accountability in a country with a rich and complex political history. The world will continue to watch closely as the legal process unfolds and shapes Pakistan’s political future, with the enduring question of how law and politics intersect and influence the path of this nation’s democratic evolution.

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Nawaz Sharif Files Petitions to Revive Conviction Appeals Mon, 23 Oct 2023 11:23:12 +0000 The legal and political landscape in Pakistan has been stirred by the recent developments involving former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, a prominent and polarizing figure in the country’s history. Nawaz Sharif, who is currently a proclaimed offender, has taken a significant step by submitting petitions to the Islamabad High Court (IHC) in an attempt to reinstate his appeals against convictions in the Avenfield and Al-Azizia references.

Nawaz Sharif’s legal battles have garnered substantial attention both within Pakistan and on the international stage. These references, stemming from the Panama Papers leak, revolve around allegations of corruption and financial wrongdoings against the former Prime Minister and his family. Nawaz Sharif was convicted in both cases and sentenced to prison. However, his absence from the courtroom in recent years has raised questions and controversies about his legal status and the circumstances surrounding his departure from the country.

One of the key arguments presented in the petitions submitted to the IHC is that Nawaz Sharif’s absence from court was not a deliberate act of defiance but rather the result of his deteriorating medical condition. This argument has been a subject of considerable debate and speculation, with some contending that his medical condition is genuine, while others have raised doubts about the veracity of his claims. Nawaz Sharif’s medical condition has indeed been a point of contention, with his supporters claiming that he required medical treatment abroad, while his critics have suggested that his medical issues were being used as a means to evade legal accountability.

In addition to the medical angle, Nawaz Sharif’s petitions argue that his return to Pakistan was prompted by the deteriorating economic conditions and the myriad challenges faced by the country. This aspect of the argument highlights the broader context in which these legal proceedings are unfolding. Pakistan has grappled with economic challenges and political instability in recent years, and these issues have added a layer of complexity to the debates surrounding Nawaz Sharif’s legal situation.

The IHC, in a notable move, had previously accepted Nawaz Sharif’s plea for protective bail until October 24, providing him with a temporary legal respite. This decision has been met with both support and criticism from various quarters, with some viewing it as a necessary step to ensure due process and others expressing concerns about potential political implications.

The legal battle and the debate surrounding Nawaz Sharif’s return and legal status are not isolated from Pakistan’s broader political landscape. The country’s political dynamics have been marked by a complex interplay of power and accountability, with opposition parties, including Nawaz Sharif’s PML-N, often alleging political victimization and selective accountability by the government.

As these legal proceedings continue to evolve, the world is watching closely, as they carry not only legal but also political and social implications. The outcomes of these petitions and the broader legal proceedings will have far-reaching consequences for Pakistan’s political landscape and its democratic processes. It remains to be seen how the Islamabad High Court will decide on Nawaz Sharif’s appeals and whether the arguments presented in his petitions will sway the course of justice in this high-stakes legal battle. Regardless of the outcome, these developments underscore the intricate relationship between law, politics, and public sentiment in the context of a country that has experienced significant political turbulence in recent years.

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Former MLB Player Danny Serafini Arrested in Connection with Murder and Attempted Murder Sun, 22 Oct 2023 09:14:16 +0000 Former Major League Baseball (MLB) pitcher Danny Serafini, known for his stints with the Minnesota Twins and Chicago Cubs in the late 1990s, has been arrested in connection with a serious and tragic crime. The arrest stems from an ongoing investigation into a murder and attempted murder that occurred in June 2021 in North Lake Tahoe, California.

The incident in question involved the tragic murder of Serafini’s father-in-law, Robert Gary Spohr, who was 70 years old at the time, as well as the attempted murder of his mother-in-law, Wendy Wood, who was 68 years old. Wendy Wood survived the initial attack but regrettably succumbed to her injuries one year after the incident.

The investigation, which spanned over two years, included a review of video surveillance footage from the victims’ home. The footage captured a hooded individual with a face-covering and a backpack approaching the residence hours before the homicide.

As a result of the investigation, Serafini and his female companion, Samantha Scott, were identified as suspects. Both individuals have connections to the victims and to each other. It was concluded that the victims and suspects were known to one another.

Following the arrests, the Placer County Sheriff’s Office announced that Serafini and Scott would be extradited from Nevada, where they were apprehended, to California to face charges related to the murder and attempted murder. The authorities have shown their unwavering commitment to seeking justice in this case and commended the dedicated work of their detectives and law enforcement partners in solving this tragic and complicated matter.

The arrest of a former MLB player in connection with such a serious crime highlights the unpredictability of life and the far-reaching consequences of criminal acts. It serves as a reminder of the importance of law enforcement and the criminal justice system in ensuring that justice is served, even in cases involving individuals from the public eye.

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Nawaz Sharif’s Return to Pakistan: A Mix of Emotion and Political Strategy Sun, 22 Oct 2023 07:58:50 +0000 Nawaz Sharif’s Return to Pakistan: A Mix of Emotion and Political Strategy

Nawaz Sharif’s return to Pakistan after four years of self-imposed exile was met with a warm and enthusiastic welcome from his supporters at Lahore’s Greater Iqbal Park. The event marked his comeback to the political limelight, and the energy and excitement in the crowd were palpable. While initially appearing impassive, Sharif’s emotions became evident when he embraced his daughter, Maryam Nawaz, in a particularly poignant moment.

In his speech, Sharif openly acknowledged the immense personal cost he had paid during his exile, sharing a verse that alluded to the overwhelming emotions he was trying to contain. He spoke of the wounds that never heal, referencing the loss of his wife while he was in jail and his inability to say a final goodbye or bury his mother, both of whom were integral parts of his life. He lamented, “I lost them to politics.”

Sharif also mentioned his daughter’s arrest, emphasizing her lack of involvement in his political activities. However, his speech lacked the force and assertiveness that marked his earlier addresses. The once-vocal advocate of ‘vote ko izzat do’ appeared more subdued.

While Sharif still questioned, “mujhey kyun nikala?” (Why was I ousted?), he seemed hesitant to push the issue further. Notably, he avoided direct references to the judiciary and military’s interference in politics, offering only indirect allusions to prevent a repeat of the past.

It was evident that Sharif aimed to reset the narrative. His speech was laden with nostalgia for the year 2017, focusing on topics like infrastructure development, exchange rates, inflation, energy costs, poverty, and unemployment. However, there was a noticeable absence of acknowledgment of his past policies that contributed to some of Pakistan’s current challenges. Despite this, he continued to promote populist promises.

While this was his first speech upon return, it remains to be seen whether the PML-N’s economic policy has evolved. If it remains unchanged from the Dar era, Sharif may face challenges in delivering on his promises. Nonetheless, his return to active politics is a positive development, and many hope he will seek a fair electoral contest rather than seeking a hand-delivered return to power.

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Pakistani and Russian Leaders Talk Middle East at Belt & Road Forum Wed, 18 Oct 2023 09:21:20 +0000 Pakistan’s caretaker Prime Minister, Anwaarul Haq Kakar, held a meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin during the Third Belt and Road Forum in Beijing. The discussion covered several key issues, including the Middle East situation, counterterrorism, and food security.

Kakar’s meeting with Putin is part of a growing trend, with three Pakistani prime ministers having met the Russian president over the past year. This indicates an expansion of economic and diplomatic relations between the two countries, which were previously considered rivals.

In their meeting, the two leaders exchanged views on regional and global developments, with a focus on the evolving situation in the Middle East. Kakar emphasized the importance of enhanced regional integration for economic development and reiterated Pakistan’s commitment to strengthening bilateral cooperation with Russia in areas such as trade, investment, energy, connectivity, and counterterrorism.

The ongoing collaboration in the oil and gas sector was highlighted, with Pakistan welcoming Russian investment in the energy sector. Pakistan recently received its first shipments of crude oil and liquefied petroleum gas from Russia as part of a deal to address Islamabad’s energy needs.

Both Pakistan and Russia share a common stance on anti-terrorism efforts, which was acknowledged during the meeting.

President Putin expressed Russia’s desire to further enhance cooperation in various sectors with Pakistan, signaling their mutual interest in strengthening their relationship.

The year 2023 marks the 75th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Pakistan and Russia, underscoring the significance of this evolving partnership.

The leaders also discussed food security. Putin mentioned Moscow’s efforts to ensure global food security, possibly referring to the Black Sea grain deal brokered in Istanbul in July 2022, which aimed to restore the flow of essential food products, including wheat, sunflower oil, and fertilizer from Ukraine.

The Black Sea grain deal was a crucial agreement that helped alleviate a global food crisis by reopening key Ukrainian ports for exports. However, Moscow chose not to extend the agreement beyond July 2023 due to issues related to fertilizer exports and the inclusion of the state-owned Russian Agricultural Bank in the SWIFT international payment system.

Furthermore, President Putin mentioned that Moscow has a plan to provide grain free of cost to the poorest nations in Africa, showcasing Russia’s commitment to addressing global food security concerns.

In addition to the meeting with President Putin, Prime Minister Kakar also held discussions with Kenyan President William Ruto to explore ways to enhance bilateral trade and economic cooperation. During this meeting, Kakar raised the issue of the murder of Pakistani journalist Arshad Sharif, who was killed by Kenyan police in October of the previous year. He requested that the Kenyan president release the report of the joint investigation team of Nairobi police on Sharif’s murder.

The meeting between Prime Minister Kakar and President Putin, as well as the discussions with President Ruto, exemplifies the multifaceted diplomatic and strategic efforts by Pakistan to strengthen its global ties, address pressing issues, and promote cooperation on regional and global challenges.

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Supreme Court Overturns Lahore High Court’s Ruling on Fuel Price Adjustment Tue, 17 Oct 2023 05:09:10 +0000 The Supreme Court of Pakistan issued a significant ruling on Monday, overturning a Lahore High Court (LHC) judgment delivered earlier this year on February 7th. The LHC ruling had declared the levy of fuel price adjustment, quarterly tariff adjustment, and the change in the status of tariff from industrial to commercial as illegal.

The three-judge Supreme Court bench, presided over by Chief Justice of Pakistan Qazi Faez Isa, heard a series of appeals submitted by power distribution companies (Discos) challenging the LHC order. In its ruling, the Supreme Court determined the LHC’s decision to be unfeasible both constitutionally and legally, asserting that the appropriate forum to address such matters is the National Electric Power Regulatory Authority’s (Nepra) appellate tribunal.

The Supreme Court ordered the petitioners to submit appeals to the appellate tribunal within 15 days, with a directive to the tribunal to reach a decision within 60 days. The court also specified a draft proposal outlining these instructions. It stressed that the statutory provision of 60 days should be adhered to by the tribunal and further mandated that the appeals should be scheduled for a hearing 25 days from the submission date, with no adjournments.

While the parties involved agreed to pay the levy charges established by Nepra for future adjustments, the court’s order stipulated that these payments would be contingent upon the outcome of the appeal. Until a decision on the appeal is reached, the arrears claimed by Discos will remain in abeyance.

The Supreme Court’s ruling concluded that the relief granted by the LHC had not been sought by the consumers (petitioners), rendering the LHC’s order illegal, unconstitutional, and unworkable.

In its defense of the ruling, the Attorney General for Pakistan (AGP) argued that the petitions brought before the LHC were not maintainable, as the petitioners had an adequate remedy available under the law. According to Article 199 of the Constitution, when a competent forum offers an adequate remedy, it should be pursued.

The LHC had previously ordered Nepra to explore cost-effective methods of electricity production and had also called upon the federal government to provide the maximum subsidy allowed by law to consumers using 500 units or less per month.

These high court judgments had arisen from petitions filed by domestic, industrial, and commercial consumers who contested the recovery of fuel price adjustments and other levies, citing Nepra’s incompetence to do so. The high court had further mandated that power distribution companies inform consumers about various charges on a monthly basis and that fuel price adjustments should not exceed seven days. Additionally, it directed that quarterly tariff adjustments should not surpass the statutory period.

The Supreme Court, in its ruling, also urged Nepra not to impose excessive tariffs beyond the paying capacity of domestic consumers and instructed it to assign responsibility for overcharging based on line losses and inefficient power plants, with the financial burden shared proportionately by the companies involved.

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President Joe Biden Labels Israeli Plans for Gaza Invasion a ‘Mistake’ Mon, 16 Oct 2023 06:05:58 +0000 **U.S. President Joe Biden Cautions Against Israeli Ground Invasion of Gaza, Calls for Palestinian State**

As Israeli forces prepare for a ground invasion of the Gaza Strip, President Joe Biden has warned Israel that such an occupation would be a “big mistake.” He ruled out the possibility of the United States joining the invasion.

President Biden made these statements during an interview with CBS News program 60 Minutes that aired on Sunday. When asked about extending support for the invasion, he responded, “I think it’d be a big mistake.”

The current Israeli assault on Gaza began eight days ago, triggered by a heavy response from Hamas fighters to what they see as decades of oppression by the Israeli government. The ongoing violence has resulted in a tragic loss of life, with at least 2,670 Palestinians killed and over 9,200 injured, according to the Ministry of Health.

Israel has faced substantial warnings and concerns regarding the implications of a ground invasion in Gaza. Humanitarian organizations are worried about a potential disaster, escalating conflict, and the challenges of distinguishing between militants and civilians in the densely populated territory.

Biden acknowledged that “Hamas doesn’t represent all the Palestinian people,” emphasizing that dealing with extremists is necessary but that a Palestinian authority and a path to a Palestinian state are essential. This reflects the long-standing U.S. position supporting a two-state solution.

When asked if Hamas should be completely eliminated, Biden replied, “Yes, I do.” He reiterated the need for a Palestinian authority and a path to statehood.

Regarding the possibility of U.S. troops participating in the Israeli war, President Biden stated that he doesn’t believe it’s necessary. He emphasized the strength of Israel’s military and pledged to provide them with everything they need.

The United States has already shown support for Israel by deploying two aircraft carriers to the eastern Mediterranean.

Israel first occupied Gaza in 1967 during the Six-Day War and later withdrew from the territory in 2005. However, a blockade was imposed on Gaza, which has been tightened over the years. It’s essential to find a peaceful and sustainable resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict for long-term stability and peace in the region.

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